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key to change

To generate a widespread and important change in approach, in any type of organization, three basic conditions are required.

First, as mentioned above, a clear vision from the CEO or top management about the goals. Without support from the top and a strong group vision, it is difficult to move forward as it will be uncomfortable for many and bring about several conflicts.

Second, you need concrete arguments that objectively motivate the need for change. This could be data about production, target markets, competitors or consumer buying habits: the important thing is to gather as much evidence as possible to support the argument for change.

Last but not least, constant dialogue with all company stakeholders. Collaboration and negotiation with other departments and the other roles involved are fundamental, because the change in one department will affect the relationships with others, in an infinite interconnected network. 

In conclusion, nothing can be achieved in isolation; a lot of cooperation, involvement and co-creation is required. Especially in an international context, the energy devoted to data research, understanding the specific needs, and sharing the common goal are critical success factors.

Tirelessly repeating messages, remembering key points thousands of times… When you start to hear the same concepts circulating from person to person and on everyone’s lips, then you can be sure that the mountain is beginning to move.

Let's create & develop a successful future. Together.

Italy, Germany and Switzerland.
Areas of activity mainly Europe and South America.
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