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Resilience is essential to keep your strength.

The official definition of resilience in psychology is: “The ability to face life difficulties and overcome them by becoming strengthened and positively transformed. ”

But the principle of resilience is very hard to implement because it implies suffering.

The moment I want to implement the change, the process will be: I accept it, I adapt my self and consequently I suffer.

This suffering can lead to two different reactions: someone will blame the world or whoever external person and will remain inert. Many people wait, like this, for things to go back to the way they used to be, while nothing ever goes back to the past.

Or other will accept what is happening, move ahead and find solutions. All this is possible only by being willing to change: an attitude which requires a work on own personal development to get to know and accept your own limits.

(from the book “Strategia della Farfalla“)

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